Articles and Essays

I write about creativity, leadership, and passion for work.


Thoughts on Freedom

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Three Insights on Creative Leadership from Creativity, Inc.

Over the past week I’ve been listening to Creativity, Inc. by Pixar founder and CEO Ed Catmull on my morning walks. As much as has been written about the company over the past several years, there is something refreshing about getting insights into Pixar’s culture and mindset directly from one of its leaders.

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You Are Often The Worst Judge Of Your Own Ideas

The funny thing about deep thoughts and great ideas is that they often don’t appear so deep at the beginning. They emerge as slow hunches, in the language of Steven Johnson, and thus often seem obvious at the point at which they are first recognized to be of some value.

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Slow and Steady Does NOT Win The Race

Don’t be lulled into the idea that being busy and making progress is necessarily going to net you a win. You have to be intentional and deliberate about your activity, and you have to be willing to sprint when the occasion calls for it.

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Pause and Think

In busy times, the thing we most often squeeze out of our lives is the single most essential component to effectiveness: thought. Isn’t it odd that when there is more on the line, we stumble into the bad habit of “shooting from the hip” rather than giving full and measured consideration to our responsibilities?

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Daily Rituals of Brilliant Creators

Last week I read Mason Curry’s new book Daily Rituals. There can also be a lot to learn by observing how ritual and routine forge channels for effective work, especially in the lives of especially productive artists and entrepreneurs.

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Creative Work and the Art of Giving Gifts

As you consider the gift that you have to offer – the expression that is uniquely yours, and yours alone to give away – consider this: the impact of a gift given away in freedom is vast, while a gift spent on the giver quickly fades.

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What Will You Start This Year?

In delaying your start you are missing out on the learning and development that only happens in the fray. You can dance around the edges for years, but at some point you must get into the game if you want to understand what it’s really like.

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