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The Existential Overwhelm of the Moment

Are you ever alone with your thoughts? Do you ever find time to sort out the tangles and variant thought streams that result in stress and anxiety?

Do you feel it? The existential overwhelm?

I do. And, I see it on the faces of groups I speak to and leaders I work with. We are just… tired.

News and information comes at us faster and in greater quantity than at any point in human history. Algorithms and bots have become very adept at influencing your thinking to match their agenda. And, uncertainty is swirling.

The antidote? For me, it’s getting alone with my thoughts.

I spend time first thing each day doing…. nothing. Not reading, not writing, not doing cold plunges or maximizing my… whatever the gurus say.

Nope… just me alone with my thoughts. And you know what? I discover things that are on my mind that I was too distracted to notice. I get to the heart of why I’m feeling the way I do. I re-root myself in what matters. What REALLY matters.

So, if you find yourself experiencing this existential overwhelm, I encourage you to carve out some space first thing in the morning to get alone with your thoughts.

No devices. No distractions. No purpose or activity other than sitting, letting your mind drift, and collecting the patterns.

The best gift you can give yourself as a leader is the discovery of what’s actually on your mind.

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