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What Will You Start This Year?

In delaying your start you are missing out on the learning and development that only happens in the fray. You can dance around the edges for years, but at some point you must get into the game if you want to understand what it’s really like.

The hardest part of doing anything significant is starting. Becoming a self-starter is the most important discipline you can develop if you want to produce a lot of value.

There is always a reason to start later. It would be far better to start once you have enough money, once your partnerships are shored up, or once you are a little more adept at your chosen field.

However, in delaying your start you are missing out on the learning and development that only happens in the fray. You can dance around the edges for years, but at some point you must get into the game if you want to understand what it’s really like.

But here’s the thing: you must make the decision to start anew every day. I am writing a new book this year, and it will involve about 200+ days of choosing to start. Every time I sit in my chair and fire up my laptop, I am starting. Starting is in itself an act of bravery.

Every time you wake a little early to get in some study and thought time, you are starting.

Every time you choose to have a difficult conversation with a co-worker instead of deferring it to tomorrow, you are starting.

Every time you choose to do what is right in spite of it being uncomfortable, you are starting.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can. – Arthur Ashe

Choose to be a starter, every day.

What will you start this year?

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