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Innovation, Or Just Innovation Theater?

If you want brave work, the leader has to go first. Make brave decisions. Speak agency into your team. Paint a brave, optimistic vision.

Leaders: do you really want your team to make brave decisions with their work? I mean… really want it?

Because a lot of leaders talk a big game about taking risks and doing bold work, but when the time comes, they are really just playing “innovation theater” (hat tip to Steve Blank for that phrase).

But if you REALLY want your team to do brave work, there are two things they need: Agency, and Optimistic Vision.

And, you have to provide both.

You must speak agency into them, help them understand what they’re capable of, which risks are acceptable, what great work actually looks like.

And, you must paint an optimistic vision of where you’re headed, what it will look like when you get there, and the rewards that await once you arrive.

If you truly want brave work, you must reinforce these two elements. It’s the fertile field within which brave work is likely to occur. (And, it’s the topic of my latest book The Brave Habit.)

If you want brave work, the leader has to go first. Make brave decisions. Speak agency into your team. Paint a brave, optimistic vision.


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